Ramat Aviv Medical Center

Ramat Aviv Medical Center – is one of the largest private medical centers in Israel, specializing in medical diagnosis, general surgery, cosmetology and consultation of leading specialists in numerous fields of medicine.

Медицинский центр Рамат-Авив The following departments and hospitals operate at the premises of the Medical Center:

  • - Radiology department, which includes computer tomography of coronary arteries (virtual coronary angiography), virtual colonoscopy and computer angiography;
  • - Radioisotope research;
  • - Institute of Gastroenterology;
  • - Hospital of Pain Syndrome Therapy;
  • - Medical Specialists Hospital;
  • - Operating rooms and in-patient department, where there are operating rooms with the most modern anesthesia, endoscopic, arthroscopic, ophthalmological equipment, on the basis of which it is possible to carry out a variety of surgical interventions - from the simplest to the most complex.
  • - Clinical laboratory that is equipped with the most modern facilities allowing to do analysis at the highest level.  
So far, the Center has won deserved fame and recognition of Israel Ministry of Health thanks to the quality of service, availability of the most advanced medical equipment and highly qualified practitioners.

Medical care at the Centre is distinguished by its high professionalism, efficiency and personal approach.   The staff of Ramat Aviv Medical Center will do everything possible to leave in your memory the fondest memories about Israeli doctors and the State of Israel.